About Us
Our company NET MAK Ltd , established in 1961, with its own brand NETLIFT offers material handling, construction, safety, automotive and heavy
duty equipments for any applications, bearing quality certificates, professional approach to service, thousands of customer references, always faithful to
our ethical principles and our quality policy.
We enjoy a recognized and enviable reputation by professional customers and suppliers; a capital that we work to protect with dedication, systematic and
focused approach and above all with prompt reactions to customers request. NET MAK is not only limited to marketing products and equipments, but is
indeed a quality chain that has 49 years experience in job methods, problem solving, industry needs and aspirations.
We guarantee quality and thereby the continuity of our quality system by creating the necessary conditions for an effective customer-satisfaction, always
complying with international safety Regulations and Standards and adhering to the principles of business ethics. By taking advantage of the latest
technological developments, from counseling to production stage and after-sale services, we apply the most reliable programs and methods and also integrate
our highly qualified and experienced staff into our high performance system, with the aim of showing our customers that, abiding by ethics, we are better than
our competitors.